The end

Since I left my hometown to pursuit my study and career, I also left the three of my cats at home.

To receive the news when I am on vacation in Kuching that Abang has passed away really break my heart.

After that I rarely went back home and see my cats. That is 2011.

Now I realized that I need to end what I have started. Eventhough i did not update this blog regularly due to my constraint time of work, I still think that every beginning has an end. And every end will have a new beginning.

Putih disappear earlier this year. He just went missing without any sign. He live a proud cat in the end, free like a wild tiger roaming the bush around our house, and become a watchmen on our house veranda and then one night, he just went missing.

Putih was my favourite cat. He did live luxuriously until the end of his time with us. For month we are hoping that he will return but he never did.

Achik suffer a lot losing both of her brother. She did get pregnant and given birth to two very cute kitten and now has grown up to become an adult cat. Achik did not live a free life like Putih did, as we afraid that she will be hurt by wild animal around our house. We kept her in a specially made cages. A big one where she can climb and do whatever she want.

Last Aidilfitri was the last time perhaps for me to see Achik. Manage to play around a bit with her before she also went missing. One night we open her cage so that she can find her daughter that went missing. The next day we realize that her daughter came back but she never did.

That is the legacy of our 3 most beloved cat. Like what my mother said, they are not pet, they are part of our family.

It hurt me that putih and achik did not get a proper burial and monument like Abang did.


Now in my hometown we have 2 cat named Nora and Danish, the son and daughter of Achik.

Me myself, I adopted a new cat and named her Belandih. She is now around 1 year old and she has a son name Brian. Both of them seem loyal to me.

They could be my best pet friend now, but no cat can replace the three legacy cat of ours.

In our memory, Putih, achik and abang, we will always love you all and thank you for bringing some joy and happiness to our family for as long as you all been here with us.

The end.

Rest in Peace!

It has been sometimes since the last update. We are in grieve. We are in great sorrow.

Abang passed away months ago. (14th January 2011)

He will always being remembered.

He live a good life until the end. He always take good care of his brother and sister. He always there with us like a family.

We miss him so much. We miss when he roll on top of the blanket and pretending that he is milking his mother. We miss when he always disturbed someone at prayer. We miss him when he was afraid of other kids coming to our house.

In the end, he pass away quietly..but he will always be there in our memory.

May he rest in peace.


Huhu...sangat bersopan.

Series of cute faces.

Ok. My photo shoot session. Mioww.

This is cute face fake sleep.

This is cute face awake. Posing.

Now is cute and ayu face.

Smerrrrkk face. Cute also.

Mioww. Hehe. Sleepy face.

Malu2 kucing face...elegant face. Like model always do.

Serious face. You got problem?

huh...tired...That's all the faces that i can pose for you. hehe.


I dun want to take picture.dun wan... yet still have to take picture.

Sound asleep

I am sleepung tight on the bed. Nyum...zzzz

Our Mother

This is rare picture of our mother. Not many picture of her. RIP. 
This blog about our luxurious life. Who are we? We are just three little cute lucky cat who have no parent.
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